  • Non-Alcoholic Pina Colada Mocktail Recipe
    Some say this iconic, tropical cocktail is making a comeback, we say it never went away. White Cane spirit, coconut water, pineapple a splash of sugar syrup. Club Tropicana, drinks are free, fun and sunshine, there's enough for everyone. All that'...
  • Lyre's Passionfruit Colada
    One of the world's most popular summer cocktails, the Pina Colada is refreshing and sweet. It ́s super easy to make but adding fresh passionfruit and lime will take this beach bar favourite to the next level. Perfect to enjoy with friends.
  • Non-Alcoholic Jungle Bird Mocktail Recipe
    Like the Dove I met in Florence with dreams of seeing America. He made it as far as Portugal before his life was cut wistfully short by a particularly spotless window. A toast to my favourite aperitif and my would be Americano.




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